Video of the Week

  • Christmas Day: So for Christmas I wanted to give you guys all something- so I found a beautiful video of gay couples that I'll be sharing...Then I found it's prequel and then another video with images from 4 different gay prides. So this is my gift to you: 3 videos of loving couples similar to you, because it's okay to be you- and you're entitled to love who you wish. So Merry Christmas (if you do celebrate it). I hope you enjoy these videos. 

The best gift of all... LOVE

  • Thursday, December 10: I blame YouTube. They changed their layout of things- and finding videos recommended isn't as simple as before...BUT I have found a video. I loved the clip because they make being gay almost seem close to Godliness. Their frank way of explaining things- make it so clear how irrelevant, idiotic and outdated homophobia is. It's slightly vulgar in certain aspects- so I would recommend you only watch it if you're above 16. Regardless, here is this weeks Video: The Gentleman's Rant: Homophobia:
Love it when they compare the bullies future (knocks up a girl) to the gay kids..."You win an Oscar"
I just wanted to mention that even though the video above and one or two others, used previously, make use of stereotypes to promote equality, you shouldn't feel obligated to fit into these stereotypical molds. I support equality, but most importantly I support individuality! Be yourself.
  • Monday, December 3: Okay, so this week I'll be sharing a video that I found whilst researching for my new blog post (that will be completed this week), I think John Corvino has some great points in this serious yet humorous clip! Check it out: Is Homosexuality Unnatural? 
He pretty much covers the whole thing...Including the "plumbing"

  • Tuesday, November 27: I cannot possibly pass this video up. So last week I brought you the funny clip where stereotypes were used to put gay men in a more powerful position. I found the clip great- because it's empowering and still promotes marriage equality. Well in terms of equality, what would it be if we didn't have a lesbian equivalent of "Gay men will marry your girlfriends"? Well, here it is- just as funny, possibly even funnier! 
I think it's great to take stereotypes and use them to empower our community! GREAT CONCEPT!
  • Wednesday, November 21: This weeks video is something on a more lighter note. I love this video because it is empowering... I don't want to spoil it- so check it out yourself!
"Don't make us marry your girlfriends, Support Gay Marriage"

  • Sunday, November 11: I couldn't wait to bring you this weeks video. It's a proposal done on live television. I want to point out two things: the crowds reaction as well as the roommates reactions. It's apparent that more and more people are becoming more accepting of homosexuality and marriage equality. Get watching!!!
They have the same names (Ben)... Too cute? I think so!
  • Tuesday, November 6: I once again had computer issues last week. But do not fret, for this week I bring you 2 videos!! With the upcoming elections in America, we all will be affected whether it be directly or indirectly, this is why I have decided to share a video which speaks strongly about what we as the world should look for in leaders. Secondly, I have chosen a beautiful video created by the same creators of the second video I ever posted (It's Time).Although I was raised by heterosexual parents- I can relate to the video simply because what makes a parent is not their sexuality but their sacrifices and their morals installed in their children. Hope you enjoy:

"I want to know what it's like to be loved, to be happy..."

Closing my eyes watching this- I realized that every word said applied to me just as much as it applied to the girl in this video. It just reminded me how irrelevant the sexuality of parents are.
  • Monday, October 22: This weeks video is witty, entertaining and impactful. I do not want to spoil the video, but I will say this: If you watch it, watch it entirely!! I first watched this video on another blog worth checking out- "The Unbearable Truth...Fear Eats The Soul" Enjoy...
Now that's how you win a debate

  • Friday, October 19: I've been wanting to share these videos for sometime now but haven't had the perfect opportunity to. With it being Spirit Day I thought I'd share a victim of bullying, Jonah Mowry's, video and just some of the video responses he got. I think it's important to show you that there really are others out there that are alike- and they share your pain, but promise it gets better. No matter how bad your situation may be- there are people who still want you around! Here they are:
That's Jonah Mowry, and this is the response he got from strangers:


"We are here for you"

  • Monday, October 15: This week I will be sharing a video that has made its rounds. Videos such as these captivate me because it shows me that there are others like myself out there. If there's one thing you should take from this, it's that in every image both men are smiling... They too probably pained when coming out, yet on this day- nothing could detract from their love for one another, and the joy it brings them. That's the message I want to share!
Remember, there'll come moments such as these, where you'll look back and smile knowing you made the right choice...

  • Thursday, October 11: Not video of the week, but a video for National Coming Out Day. Dan Savage has a strong message and is, as always, extremely insightful! Take a look!
Dan Savage and his partner are the founders of the "It Gets Better" Campaign.

  • Monday, October 8: This week I bring you a video that I feel exposes another side of the gay community which is our families. Watch this man tell his story about coming to terms in a mere 3 minutes. I LOVE that brands are becoming more openly supportive of gay marriage and that people get the opportunity to share their stories. Hope you enjoy...
I wish every parent could see it from his perspective.
  • Tuesday, October 2: PLEASE WATCH THIS!!!!!! I love this video, and I think it needs to go viral as soon as possible! Enjoy this...
It's okay to cry happy tears...I did.
  • Monday, September 24: Okay, this weeks video is of a campaign started 3 years ago. I've used this interview specifically because it depicts both Hillary Duff and Wanda Sykes clips. I think this is very important- and I'll be writing my own form of response in a blog post this week. I think you should give it a watch... 
And thanks to a friend of mine, Catherine, I have the perfect response to comments that use GAY in a negative sense- hope you enjoy...

I'd rather be GAY than an inconsiderate and inarticulate human!
  • Thursday, September 20: I know, I'm horrible. It's been a HECTIC week to say the least. But I do have a cute video to share with you, as well as a new campaign! *smiles* It's Jesse Tyler Ferguson (from Modern Family) and his fiance... I love to see figures such as Jesse promote equality- it's so important for the youth to be exposed to positive influences such as this!
Aren't they just as cute as puppies and bow-ties? lol
"It feels so good to write it, imagine what'd be like to say it"- regarding coming out.

What an inspiring athlete...
  • Friday, September 7: This is not video of the week, but it's "video of the mid-week". I just had to share this with you all. I thought it was quite cute how these gentleman reenacted the X-men gay wedding. Mostly I just loved how the crowd supported and cheered- beautiful! Have a look- it's only a minute short.
Just something short and simple. Loved the crowds cheers.

  • Tuesday, September 4: I missed last weeks video, BUT in light of the 2012 MTV music awards coming up soon (two days time- 6th Spetember) I have decided to post some cute videos with some divas! So this week it's DIVA themed. Both are marriage proposals- and both very cute. 
Apparently Mariah is on our side...

Kylie has always been on our side!!

Both these videos reassure me so much about this journey I am on, their support for the gay community is so touching. IT DOES GET BETTER- I'm sure both would be singing it from the top of their lungs!

  • Sunday, August 19: This week I have decided to share a video about marriage equality AGAIN... I know. But this one is very witty- and it's definitely a unique take on the whole situation! 
You didn't think I would post something defaming did you?
And then I thought I would share a second video because I haven't gotten the opportunity to do a post. So here is a old video guaranteed to make you laugh or at least smile!
How ADORABLE is this?!?! I know you're smiling!...
  • Wednesday, August 8: I know it isn't that time of the week- but I have to share this video before the week ends. I came across this video on Twitter (and will share it to do my part- seeing as I cannot be there). The concept is very similar to the "GetUp!" video (second video I ever posted)- but I'm not posting this for originality- it's for marriage equality. So if any of you are in the area of Dublin- show your support!
For details- visit this video on YouTube (below the video is the facebook event info)

  • Monday, August 6: Today I have decided I would share a video I came across whilst reading an article about the British singer/song-writer Mika. Personally, I've never truly enjoyed Mika's work- but I found this clip very touching. For those of you that do not know, Mika is also gay. I found this video enjoyable- simply because it brings in the strong message that love knows no colour, age or gender and we are free to love who we wish...
"Being happy and proud about falling in-love with whoever you fall in-love with...Even if it's a man"

  • Tuesday, July 31: It's Tuesday- and I'm two days late, so in return I will share two videos for the week. I love them both so much! The first clip is of ingenious "come-backs" to homophobic protesters signs- guaranteed to make you smile! The second clip is for marriage equality (which has been the news recently in USA, Scotland and New Zealand)- hope you enjoy! 
"Dogs love fags"

It's about time marriage discrimination ends...

  • Sunday, July 22: I found this video and thought it was a nice way of educating others about homosexuality. Although it seems based in America- it is no less relevant for anywhere else in the world. I actually believe it's a great video to use in schools to educate children about homosexuality.
The gay guy is cute- pity he's only a cartoon... hehe

  • Sunday, July 15: The name of this clip is what originally drew me to watch it. I thought it would be interesting to see- and honestly felt that the gentleman representing the gay community could articulate his opinions extremely well in comparison to the anti-gay activist who seemed almost air-headed... You decide!

Doesn't seem much like a debate.

Another clip I came across is the video of Alan Chambers, president of the Exodus International, who originally believed you could "pray the gay away". Now a few years down the line and Alan (an apparent homosexual with deeply internalized homophobia) has publicly announced that you cannot in fact pray it away... 

  • Monday, July 9: Thought I'd share a preview of a film, set to premier July 18th, to you this week. The film, according to it's official page idothemovie, "I Do" is:  A movie about a British gay guy living in New York fighting for love, family and a green card. Perhaps not as inspiring or reassuring as the clips previously displayed- but I hope the film will bring great exposure.
"Two words can change everything"...

  • Monday, July 2: This week- I've decided to bring you two relatively short videos both of positive news for the LGBT community. Oreos and Anderson Cooper. If you haven't heard the news- I'm sure you'll find these pleasant. Most importantly- it's nice to see some POSITIVE support for the community!

"Twist it. Lick it. Dunk it." -  they're more than delicious...

And that wraps up all the news for today ; )
  • Wednesday, June 27: Before you judge. My computer was in hospital for a week. Hence the late post. Perhaps you've heard the story of Timothy Kurek, well this is a trailer for his new book "Jesus in Drag". I appreciate what this man has done, and respect his actions. Religious or not- this is a story worth hearing!

 He truly has walked a mile in OUR shoes...
  • Sunday, June 17: It's fathers day- and as much as I wanted to post a video of two fathers- I just couldn't pass this video up another week! I love this clip- the couple are adorable! Please watch it- you're bound to smile- like a kid in a candy store!

I'm sure they're fathers by now...or so I would hope!
  • Sunday, June 10: I found this video whilst browsing through YouTube. It's only a minute long. I found it very cute and heart warming! Don't want to ruin anything- so rather- let you watch and see for yourself! 
and...seeing as we on the topic- I thought I'd throw in a second video just for your viewing pleasure!
 Now go YouTube "gay marriage proposals"...

  • Tuesday, June 5: I know its two days late! Better late than never I suppose. This weeks video is a music video. I spotted the video and thought it was so cute- I wish music channels such as MTV would play videos such as this one more often. 

I know you're smiling- it's cute!

  • Monday, May 28: This weeks video may not be recent- but is no less relevant! Shot in Paris- two gentleman started a "kiss-in flash mob". I love what they've done simply becuase it is for a good cause. Everyone wants to hold their partners hand in public without having to fear. Without further ado or should I say "adieu"...  

"Ooh la la" 

  • Sunday, May 20: A friend of mine recently told me to subscribe to FCKH8 on YouTube- which led to me viewing this weeks video. The video contains strong language- however the message remains clear there's nothing wrong with gay marriage. The video is humorous and also short- so give it watch! 
"Watch the video fool"

  • Sunday, May 13: This weeks video has been making its rounds on Twitter, Facebook and almost every social network. If you have not seen it- I highly suggest you do. Although I try and keep material as positive as possible on the blog- we can all learn from this misfortune. WARNING: This video is of saddening content.

  • Sunday, May 6: I decided that I would use the increase of traffic as an excuse to post two videos for the week. Also I could not decide which was better- the intention/aim of both videos are the same (Ending Marriage Discrimination)- however each have a different take on it.
  1. The first video has a few familiar faces. It is a satirical take on gay marriage. Starring the extremely funny Justin Long- this video almost frightens me about marriage. The message is still clear though. If you're looking for a laugh- you'll enjoy this! 

  1.  2. The second video is a more serious take on Ending Marriage Discrimination. I found the video very encouraging. I first saw this video on the blog I enjoy "The Unbearable Truth... Fear Eats The Soul"
      It is very touching- and inspiring.


  • Sunday, April 30: I know it's one day early. But I could not wait to share this one.I can't fight back the tears watching it. These two guys are who I like to think of as "the gentleman you just passed in the grocery store"- they might not have star status, but that's the beauty of it! This video is so genuine- it allows you to relate in ways that you couldn't possibly have- had it starred someone famous. It's definitely worth the watch!

It's just heart warming!!

  • Monday, April 23: This weeks video is something I feel strongly about- Marriage Equality. The video was created by the "Get Up" campaign in Australia. I've never been in a relationship with another man- though I have no doubt this is an authentic portrayal of one. Enough blabber- please watch...

It sends shivers down my spine!

  • First Video:

The first of many (lets hope!). So I have chosen this to be the first video of the week- although the week has come to an end. Why this video? It's adorable... Hope you like!


  1. What's so adorable about two degenerates pretending to be married,corrupting a child, and thinking they can do better then a happy, healthy, normal heterosexual couple? There are unfit heterosexuals out their that shouldn't be parents, and there are no fit homosexual/lesbian couples out there that have a right to parent children.

  2. Michael

    I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. As to whether yours can be substantiated? Well I doubt so. I actually know of a homosexual couple with children. Beautiful children who are loved and cared for. Ironically in many cases homosexual couples are deemed more fit to care after children given their financial status- and the mere fact that they cannot have children by "mistake". By that I mean- the process is always well thought out when homosexual people have children - hence they're prepared when they decide to have children. Despite all the above - I find it ironic that you chose to label homosexuals as degenerate when you, an apparent homophobe, have chosen to leave a comment such as you have on a website run by an openly homosexual man... Perhaps the pot calling the kettle black? Michael, all sarcasm aside - should you feel the necessity to become more educated about this and other homosexual parenting facts I would gladly respond. Just leave me your email address or check any of my posts for mine!

    Last thing. This is a blog for gay youth. Regardless your creed, political stance or background - could you please find the compassion within you - not to leave such malicious comments on a blog that is dedicated to helping fellow man.

    Thank you
