Thursday, 26 April 2012

The Public Display of Affection

I've recently been on the look out for gay couples in public. Those couples who aren't afraid to walk side by side. Two guys holding hands- nothing more. But it needn't be anything more- it is so satisfying as is! The public display of affection is a powerful spectacle- capable of turning heads, widening eyes and blowing minds. Well, for me at least. I feel these couples are what need to become a regularity to society. As a young gay man, I find them inspiring and reassuring. I can also tell you there are far too few of them! 

Many express mixed emotions regarding "P.D.A". For instance how much is too much? And does it really have a positive impact- especially in conservative/ traditional countries? I believe the answer lies within yourself. For example- I am comfortable seeing two individuals kiss in public, however I find it distasteful to have your tongue down a partners throat (straight or gay). I therefore would only go as far as to kiss a partner in public. Being considerate of your surroundings is probably best. A gay club is obviously more suitable to be smooching than the church or the grocery store. Many people find it intimidating and overwhelming - it's probably advisable that you take other peoples emotions into consideration.

Regarding whether it has a positive impact- I think I speak on the behalf of all youth when I say "YES!" It's exhilarating to witness. I recall my first sighting of two men kissing-it was so liberating. I know that before I came out- seeing two men share an intimate moment with the world made me less afraid of expressing my emotions. I felt less confined regarding my "new found" sexuality. At those exact moments things are put into perspective. Life all of a sudden seems so much more worth living for!

I ask you, what should prevent you from holding your partners hand in public? Your sexual preference should not result in you living a second hand citizenship- one in which your every right is not infringed, but "tweaked" to suit society. There are no boundaries to love. It is simply human to show affection to the people you love. I ask you to lead the youth into a society where two guys holding hands are what the sun is to everyday. Natural...

 IMAGES SOURCE:  "The Gay Truth
(If you own any of these pictures and wish to have them removed please inform The Righteous Gay for immediate removal)

This is all I could find on YouTube regarding PDA. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

The Gay 5

Today I have decided to post something of more personal value. They are what I like to call
 The Gay 5. 

"Who are The Gay 5? " you're probably asking. They are the Top 5 most influential gay people in my life. Everyone of them have had a positive impact on me, and today I wish to share them with you out there.

5. Harvey Milk (May 22, 1930 – November 27, 1978) Famous Gay Politician
(Left: Harvey Milk; Right: Sean Penn as Harvey Milk in "Milk")  

 Although alive only before I was born- Milks contribution to the LGBT community still lives on. I was first introduced to this figure whilst watching the 2008 film Milk ,starring Sean Penn, late one evening (as not to be seen by the family). I was so influenced by the film- I decided to do more research on Harvey Milk. Milk gave me so much hope... Hope that some day I could be openly gay role model such as himself. 

4. Gareth Thomas: Openly Gay Rugby Player
 Rugby is a national sport in my country. So it should come as no surprise that Thomas would be one of the most influential gay people in my life. Not only is rugby a very physical sport, it can be a very homophobic one too- which makes Gareth Thomas a real man amongst the rest for coming out whilst playing the sport. Thomas' actions stood brave and courageous to me- and were my source of courage when I came out.

3. Ellen Degeneres Gay Icon/ Comedian
 Who isn't inspired by Ellen? Ellen has become a household name worldwide. Her talk show has surpassed all expectations and her acts of kindness can reduce anyone to tears. Ellen is openly gay- and has been an inspiration to millions of people, becoming one of the most iconic gay woman to date. She is walking proof that sexual orientation is so irrelevant when it comes to success. She rightfully deserves 3rd place, and I rightfully deserve a ticket to her show now...

2. Jay and Bryan Leffew:  Gay Family Values Blog Masterminds

(Above: The Leffew family, Below: Jay and Bryan Leffew)
 In second place are Bryan and Jay. Although not one person, they are a couple and therefore can be seen as a single entity. I can distinctly remember the late evening I was on YouTube when I came across the wedding video of these two gentleman. My heart sank and eyes poured. It was probably the first time I had ever seen two men dancing hand-in-hand. I clicked on the link to their YouTube channel and have had eyes glued to their blog ever since! In January I contacted them (via email) expressing how they reassured me about my decision to come out and how amazing I thought their story was- and like true blogger masterminds they replied! I have now dubbed their family "The Incredibles" - because of their superhero status to me.

1.Lance Weyer  Mr Gay South Africa 2011

 He isn't any household name, a famous politician or sports star and nor does he run a blog that brings tears to my eyes- but I believe that is what sets him apart from all above. Lance is someone I can relate to. He was appointed the gay ambassador of South Africa for the year I decided to come out (this year) and has been successful thus far. One of his main aims was to address LGBT youth- and help them. Personally I would say Lance has done a greater job at reaching out to the public and youth than any previous gay ambassadors have. He thus deserves top position, making Lance Weyer the most influential gay person in my life.

 Final Thought:
The people above may have no impact on your life, or perhaps they do. I believe it is important to have a  Gay 5 ! We cannot be expected to go through life without any form of guidance, and in a situation where there seems to be nobody to turn to- there are icons, celebrities and sport stars out there that may fit the mold. They may not be a shoulder to cry on or a helping hand but they are living proof that things do get better. Think of your five. Who are they? Follow them on twitter, send them an email or just read up about them. Sometimes when you're coming out it's great to know what possibilities may await you...

(If any of these should belong to you and you wish to have them removed please notify The Righteous Gay)

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The Straight Ally

Whilst browsing through the internet I came across this campaign. Although they're appealing to a straighter demographic to help the gay community- I found it refreshing nonetheless. Many of you might have heard of or seen the co-founder Josh Hutcherson in the new film "The Hunger Games".

The name of the campaign is Straight But Not Narrow. And their aim is to tell the straight kids that gays are here to stay so get use to it...basically. Here is a link to their site

And heres a clip with the easy to look at star:
Josh will be receiving the Vanguard Award at the 23rd annual Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) Media Awards for his work in supporting the LGBT community. Josh is not just a pretty face...

Another great campaign is the You Can Play Project 


This project was started to ensure equality within all sports for all athletes. To create a safe environment in which openly LGBT athletes can play regardless of their sexuality. You can check out their site and take the "Captains Challenge" at:
The video stars a few athletes who all support the campaign. There are more videos on their site as well as on YouTube.

Final Thought:
What I find so refreshing about these campaigns is that it is no longer just gay individuals speaking up for the LGBT community. It's great to know you're not alone but even greater to realise that regardless of who you go home with every night- there are people supporting you. Big thanks to our straight allies!

Monday, 16 April 2012

The First Righteous Post

I want to keep this brief- although that may be difficult. I put a lot of thought into what the first post of  "The Righteous Gay" should consist of. Something bold I thought. Something different. Something new. Something. Anything... Well nothing came to mind. Instead I have decided to get a feel for things. So in the next few weeks you 3 viewers out there can expect to see more action on this blog (hopefully), and I will see more traffic... Wishful thinking?

 I have some great plans for this blog, however I do believe I need to spend a little more time getting use to this. I really am passionate about helping others and my intention is to do just that. If perhaps someone with an amazing mind happens to stumble upon this blog with any suggestions that could aid me in the right direction- I would be extremely grateful!

So in conclusion I leave you with a quote I enjoyed. "The important thing is not the object of love, but the emotion itself." - Gore Vidal.